Uses of Interface

Packages that use ChannelIF
de.nava.informa.core This package contains interfaces for the news channel objects, it builds the core API for all news channel storage implementation. 
de.nava.informa.exporters This package contains exporter classes to writing out news channels in various formats. 
de.nava.informa.impl.basic Provides an in-memory implementation of the core news channel interfaces. 
de.nava.informa.impl.hibernate Provides an implementation of the core news channel interfaces using persistence mechanism provided by Hibernate (for more see
de.nava.informa.parsers This package defines parsers for reading in news channels. 
de.nava.informa.utils Provides utility classes that are convenient when handling the news channel object model. 
de.nava.informa.utils.cleaner This package contains classes of Cleaner utility. 
de.nava.informa.utils.manager This package contains definition of Persistence Manager interface. 
de.nava.informa.utils.manager.hibernate This package contains Hibernate implementation of Persistence Manager interface. 
de.nava.informa.utils.manager.memory This package contains in-memory implementation of Persistence Manager interface. 
de.nava.informa.utils.poller This package contains Poller utility. 
de.nava.informa.utils.toolkit This package contains helper classes necessary both for Poller, Cleaner and other utilities. 

Uses of ChannelIF in de.nava.informa.core

Methods in de.nava.informa.core that return ChannelIF
 ChannelIF ChannelBuilderIF.createChannel(org.jdom.Element channelElement, String title)
 ChannelIF ChannelBuilderIF.createChannel(org.jdom.Element channelElement, String title, String location)
 ChannelIF ChannelBuilderIF.createChannel(String title)
 ChannelIF ChannelBuilderIF.createChannel(String title, String location)
 ChannelIF ChannelGroupIF.getById(long id)
 ChannelIF WithChannelMIF.getChannel()
 ChannelIF ChannelParserIF.parse(ChannelBuilderIF cBuilder, org.jdom.Element channel)
          Method that implements the parser.

Methods in de.nava.informa.core that return types with arguments of type ChannelIF
 Collection<ChannelIF> ChannelGroupIF.getAll()

Methods in de.nava.informa.core with parameters of type ChannelIF
 void ChannelGroupIF.add(ChannelIF channel)
 void ChannelObserverIF.channelRetrieved(ChannelIF channel)
          Called when a new Channel is added
 ItemIF ChannelBuilderIF.createItem(ChannelIF channel, ItemIF item)
 ItemIF ChannelBuilderIF.createItem(ChannelIF channel, String title, String description, URL link)
          Creates a news item and assign it to the given channel.
 ItemIF ChannelBuilderIF.createItem(org.jdom.Element itemElement, ChannelIF channel, String title, String description, URL link)
 void ChannelGroupIF.remove(ChannelIF channel)
 void WithChannelMIF.setChannel(ChannelIF channel)
 void ChannelExporterIF.write(ChannelIF channel)
          Writes the given channel to an implicit implementation dependent destination.

Uses of ChannelIF in de.nava.informa.exporters

Methods in de.nava.informa.exporters with parameters of type ChannelIF
 void RSS_2_0_Exporter.write(ChannelIF channel)
 void RSS_1_0_Exporter.write(ChannelIF channel)
 void RSS_0_91_Exporter.write(ChannelIF channel)

Uses of ChannelIF in de.nava.informa.impl.basic

Classes in de.nava.informa.impl.basic that implement ChannelIF
 class Channel
          In-Memory implementation of the ChannelIF interface.

Methods in de.nava.informa.impl.basic that return ChannelIF
 ChannelIF ChannelBuilder.createChannel(org.jdom.Element channelElement, String title)
 ChannelIF ChannelBuilder.createChannel(org.jdom.Element channelElement, String title, String location)
 ChannelIF ChannelBuilder.createChannel(String title)
 ChannelIF ChannelBuilder.createChannel(String title, String location)
 ChannelIF ChannelGroup.getById(long id)
 ChannelIF Item.getChannel()
 ChannelIF Feed.getChannel()
 ChannelIF ChannelSubscription.getChannel()

Methods in de.nava.informa.impl.basic that return types with arguments of type ChannelIF
 Collection<ChannelIF> ChannelGroup.getAll()

Methods in de.nava.informa.impl.basic with parameters of type ChannelIF
 void ChannelGroup.add(ChannelIF channel)
 ItemIF ChannelBuilder.createItem(ChannelIF chan, ItemIF oldItem)
          Create an item from an existing item.
 ItemIF ChannelBuilder.createItem(ChannelIF channel, String title, String description, URL link)
 ItemIF ChannelBuilder.createItem(org.jdom.Element itemElement, ChannelIF channel, String title, String description, URL link)
 void ChannelGroup.remove(ChannelIF channel)
 void Channel.setAllProperties(ChannelIF sourceChan)
          setAllProperties - Set all the properties in this Channel by copying them from a source Channel.
 void Item.setChannel(ChannelIF channel)
 void Feed.setChannel(ChannelIF channelIF)
 void ChannelSubscription.setChannel(ChannelIF channel)

Constructors in de.nava.informa.impl.basic with parameters of type ChannelIF
ChannelSubscription(ChannelIF channel)
          Default constructor sets to an inactive channel (with an update interval of 3 hours, used when activated).
ChannelSubscription(ChannelIF channel, boolean active, int interval)
Feed(ChannelIF channel)
          Convinence constrcutor - creates meta data for a preexisting feed.
Item(ChannelIF channel, String title, String description, URL link)
Item(org.jdom.Element itemElement, ChannelIF channel, String title, String description, URL link)

Uses of ChannelIF in de.nava.informa.impl.hibernate

Methods in de.nava.informa.impl.hibernate that return ChannelIF
 ChannelIF ChannelBuilder.createChannel(org.jdom.Element channelElement, String title)
 ChannelIF ChannelBuilder.createChannel(org.jdom.Element channelElement, String title, String location)
          May throw runtime HibernateException
 ChannelIF ChannelBuilder.createChannel(String title)
 ChannelIF ChannelBuilder.createChannel(String title, String location)
 ChannelIF ChannelGroup.getById(long channelId)
 ChannelIF Item.getChannel()
 ChannelIF ChannelSubscription.getChannel()

Methods in de.nava.informa.impl.hibernate that return types with arguments of type ChannelIF
 Collection<ChannelIF> ChannelGroup.getAll()
 Set<ChannelIF> ChannelGroup.getChannels()

Methods in de.nava.informa.impl.hibernate with parameters of type ChannelIF
 void ChannelGroup.add(ChannelIF channel)
 ItemIF ChannelBuilder.createItem(ChannelIF channel, ItemIF item)
 ItemIF ChannelBuilder.createItem(ChannelIF channel, String title, String description, URL link)
 ItemIF ChannelBuilder.createItem(org.jdom.Element itemElement, ChannelIF channel, String title, String description, URL link)
 void ChannelGroup.remove(ChannelIF channel)
 void Item.setChannel(ChannelIF parentChannel)
 void ChannelSubscription.setChannel(ChannelIF channel)

Method parameters in de.nava.informa.impl.hibernate with type arguments of type ChannelIF
 void ChannelGroup.setChannels(Set<ChannelIF> aChannels)

Constructors in de.nava.informa.impl.hibernate with parameters of type ChannelIF
ChannelSubscription(ChannelIF channel)
          Default constructor sets to an inactive channel (with an update interval of 3 hours, used when activated).
ChannelSubscription(ChannelIF channel, boolean active, int interval)
Item(ChannelIF channel, String title, String description, URL link)
Item(org.jdom.Element itemElement, ChannelIF channel, String title, String description, URL link)

Uses of ChannelIF in de.nava.informa.parsers

Methods in de.nava.informa.parsers that return ChannelIF
 ChannelIF RSS_2_0_Parser.parse(ChannelBuilderIF cBuilder, org.jdom.Element root)
 ChannelIF RSS_1_0_Parser.parse(ChannelBuilderIF cBuilder, org.jdom.Element root)
 ChannelIF RSS_0_91_Parser.parse(ChannelBuilderIF cBuilder, org.jdom.Element root)
 ChannelIF Atom_1_0_Parser.parse(ChannelBuilderIF cBuilder, org.jdom.Element channel)
 ChannelIF Atom_0_3_Parser.parse(ChannelBuilderIF cBuilder, org.jdom.Element channel)
static ChannelIF FeedParser.parse(ChannelBuilderIF cBuilder, File aFile)
          Parse feed presented by file and build channel.
static ChannelIF FeedParser.parse(ChannelBuilderIF cBuilder, InputSource inpSource, URL baseLocation)
          Parse feed from input source with base location set and create channel.
static ChannelIF FeedParser.parse(ChannelBuilderIF cBuilder, InputStream stream)
          Parse feed presented by InputStream and build channel.
static ChannelIF FeedParser.parse(ChannelBuilderIF cBuilder, Reader reader)
          Parse feed presented by Reader and build channel.
static ChannelIF FeedParser.parse(ChannelBuilderIF cBuilder, String url)
          Parser feed behind the given URL and build channel.
static ChannelIF FeedParser.parse(ChannelBuilderIF cBuilder, URL aURL)
          Parser feed behind the given URL and build channel.

Uses of ChannelIF in de.nava.informa.utils

Methods in de.nava.informa.utils that return ChannelIF
 ChannelIF ChannelRegistry.addChannel(ChannelIF channel, boolean active, int interval)
          Given a stand-alone Channel (i.e.
 ChannelIF ChannelRegistry.addChannel(URL url, Collection<CategoryIF> categories, int interval, boolean active)
          Adds one new channel object in the given category to the registry.
 ChannelIF ChannelRegistry.addChannel(URL url, int interval, boolean active)
          Adds one new channel object (instantiated with the help of the given URL from where the channel can be retrieved from) to the registry.
 ChannelIF ChannelRegistry.getChannel(long id)

Methods in de.nava.informa.utils with parameters of type ChannelIF
 void ChannelRegistry.activateChannel(ChannelIF channel, int interval)
          Activates a channel and looks for new items for the given channel.
 ChannelIF ChannelRegistry.addChannel(ChannelIF channel, boolean active, int interval)
          Given a stand-alone Channel (i.e.
 void SimpleChannelObserver.channelRetrieved(ChannelIF channel)
static void InformaUtils.copyChannelProperties(ChannelIF sourceChan, ChannelIF updChan)
          Copies all the top level properties from sourceChan into this updChan.
 void ChannelRegistry.deactivateChannel(ChannelIF channel)
          Deactivates a channel, no more updates are made.
 long ChannelRegistry.getScheduledUpdateTime(ChannelIF channel)
          Gets the scheduled time of the next channel update.
 long RSS200Settings.getTtl(ChannelIF channel, long Ttlms)
          return in order of preference: feed producer ttl (if exists and < wantedTtl) wantedTtl (if exists) defaultTtl (if exists)
 long RSS100Settings.getTtl(ChannelIF channel, long ttlInMs)
          Returns the ttl (in order of preference) feed producer ttl (if exists) wantedTtl (if exists) defaultTtl (if exists).
 long RSS091Settings.getTtl(ChannelIF channel, long Ttlms)
          return the ttl (in order of preference) wantedTtl (if exists) defaultTtl
 long CacheSettingsIF.getTtl(ChannelIF channel, long ttl)
 long CacheSettings.getTtl(ChannelIF channel, long ttl)
          determine ttl for the feed, depending on ttl specified by the feed producer and the ttl wanted by the informa user.
 long Atom030Settings.getTtl(ChannelIF channel, long ttlms)
          return in order of preference: feed producer ttl (if exists and < wantedTtl) wantedTtl (if exists) defaultTtl (if exists)
 UpdateChannelInfo ChannelRegistry.getUpdateInfo(ChannelIF channel)
 boolean ChannelRegistry.isActiveChannel(ChannelIF channel)
          Returns wether the channel update task is still active or not.
 void ChannelRegistry.removeChannel(ChannelIF channel)
          Removes a channel from the registry.

Constructors in de.nava.informa.utils with parameters of type ChannelIF
UpdateChannelTask(ChannelRegistry registry, ChannelBuilderIF builder, ChannelIF channel, UpdateChannelInfo info)

Uses of ChannelIF in de.nava.informa.utils.cleaner

Methods in de.nava.informa.utils.cleaner with parameters of type ChannelIF
 void Cleaner.cleanChannel(ChannelIF channel)
          Performs immediate cleaning of the channel and reworks the schedule starting from current time.
 void PersistenceObserver.cleaningFinished(ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by cleanup engine when cleaning of the channel has finished.
 void CompositeObserver.cleaningFinished(ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by cleanup engine when cleaning of the channel has finished.
 void CleanerObserverIF.cleaningFinished(ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by cleanup engine when cleaning of the channel has finished.
 void PersistenceObserver.cleaningStarted(ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by cleanup engine when cleaning of the channel has started.
 void CompositeObserver.cleaningStarted(ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by cleanup engine when cleaning of the channel has started.
 void CleanerObserverIF.cleaningStarted(ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by cleanup engine when cleaning of the channel has started.
 boolean CompositeMatcher.isMatching(ItemIF item, ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by cleaning engine to check given item in given channel for matching some rule.
 boolean CleanerMatcherIF.isMatching(ItemIF item, ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by cleaning engine to check given item in given channel for matching some rule.
 void Cleaner.registerChannel(ChannelIF channel)
          Registers channel for scheduled cleaning with default period (1 hour).
 void Cleaner.registerChannel(ChannelIF channel, long period)
          Registers channel for scheduled cleaning with given period.
 void Cleaner.unregisterChannel(ChannelIF channel)
          Unregisters channel from cleaning.
 void PersistenceObserver.unwantedItem(ItemIF item, ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked when cleanup engine finds unwanted item.
 void CompositeObserver.unwantedItem(ItemIF item, ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked when cleanup engine finds unwanted item.
 void CleanerObserverIF.unwantedItem(ItemIF item, ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked when cleanup engine finds unwanted item.

Uses of ChannelIF in de.nava.informa.utils.manager

Methods in de.nava.informa.utils.manager that return ChannelIF
 ChannelIF PersistenceManagerIF.createChannel(String title, URL location)
          Creates new channel object and persists it into storage.

Methods in de.nava.informa.utils.manager with parameters of type ChannelIF
 void PersistenceManagerIF.addChannelToGroup(ChannelIF channel, ChannelGroupIF group)
          Adds channel to the group.
 ItemIF PersistenceManagerIF.createItem(ChannelIF channel, ItemIF ethalon)
          Creates new item using specified object as ethalon.
 ItemIF PersistenceManagerIF.createItem(ChannelIF channel, String title)
          Creates new item in the channel.
 void PersistenceManagerIF.deleteChannel(ChannelIF channel)
          Deletes channel from persistent storage.
 void PersistenceManagerIF.removeChannelFromGroup(ChannelIF channel, ChannelGroupIF group)
          Deletes channel from the group.
 void PersistenceManagerIF.updateChannel(ChannelIF channel)
          Updates data in database with data from channel object.

Uses of ChannelIF in de.nava.informa.utils.manager.hibernate

Methods in de.nava.informa.utils.manager.hibernate that return ChannelIF
 ChannelIF SpringPersistenceManager.createChannel(String title, URL location)
 ChannelIF NonCachingPersistenceManager.createChannel(String title, URL location)
          Creates new channel object and persists it into storage.

Methods in de.nava.informa.utils.manager.hibernate with parameters of type ChannelIF
 void SpringPersistenceManager.addChannelToGroup(ChannelIF channel, ChannelGroupIF group)
 void NonCachingPersistenceManager.addChannelToGroup(ChannelIF channel, ChannelGroupIF group)
          Adds channel to the group.
 ItemIF SpringPersistenceManager.createItem(ChannelIF channel, ItemIF ethalon)
 ItemIF NonCachingPersistenceManager.createItem(ChannelIF channel, ItemIF ethalon)
          Creates new item using specified object as ethalon.
 ItemIF SpringPersistenceManager.createItem(ChannelIF channel, String title)
 ItemIF NonCachingPersistenceManager.createItem(ChannelIF channel, String title)
          Creates new item in the channel.
 void SpringPersistenceManager.deleteChannel(ChannelIF channel)
 void NonCachingPersistenceManager.deleteChannel(ChannelIF channel)
          Deletes channel from persistent storage.
 void SpringPersistenceManager.removeChannelFromGroup(ChannelIF channel, ChannelGroupIF group)
 void NonCachingPersistenceManager.removeChannelFromGroup(ChannelIF channel, ChannelGroupIF group)
          Deletes channel from the group.
 void SpringPersistenceManager.updateChannel(ChannelIF channel)
 void NonCachingPersistenceManager.updateChannel(ChannelIF channel)
          Updates data in database with data from channel object.

Uses of ChannelIF in de.nava.informa.utils.manager.memory

Methods in de.nava.informa.utils.manager.memory that return ChannelIF
 ChannelIF PersistenceManager.createChannel(String title, URL location)
          Creates new channel object and persists it into storage.
 ChannelIF Item.getParent()
          Returns parent channel of this item.

Methods in de.nava.informa.utils.manager.memory with parameters of type ChannelIF
 void PersistenceManager.addChannelToGroup(ChannelIF channel, ChannelGroupIF group)
          Adds channel to the group.
 ItemIF PersistenceManager.createItem(ChannelIF channel, ItemIF ethalon)
          Creates new item using specified object as ethalon.
 ItemIF PersistenceManager.createItem(ChannelIF channel, String title)
          Creates new item in the channel.
 void PersistenceManager.deleteChannel(ChannelIF channel)
          Deletes channel from persistent storage.
 void PersistenceManager.removeChannelFromGroup(ChannelIF channel, ChannelGroupIF group)
          Deletes channel from the group.
 void Item.setParent(ChannelIF parent)
          Sets parent channel of this item.
 void PersistenceManager.updateChannel(ChannelIF channel)
          Updates data in database with data from channel object.

Constructors in de.nava.informa.utils.manager.memory with parameters of type ChannelIF
Item(long id, String title, ChannelIF parent)
          Creates item object.

Uses of ChannelIF in de.nava.informa.utils.poller

Methods in de.nava.informa.utils.poller with parameters of type ChannelIF
 boolean PollerApproverIF.canAddItem(ItemIF item, ChannelIF channel)
          Decides whether it's possible to add item to the channel or no.
 boolean CompositeApprover.canAddItem(ItemIF item, ChannelIF channel)
          Decides whether it's possible to add item to the channel or no.
 void PollerObserverIF.channelChanged(ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked when Poller detected changes in channel information (title and etc).
 void PersistenceObserver.channelChanged(ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked when Poller detected changes in channel information (title and etc).
 void CompositeObserver.channelChanged(ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked when Poller detected changes in channel information (title and etc).
 void PollerObserverIF.channelErrored(ChannelIF channel, Exception e)
          Invoked by Poller when poller of the channel failed.
 void PersistenceObserver.channelErrored(ChannelIF channel, Exception e)
          Invoked by Poller when poller of the channel failed.
 void CompositeObserver.channelErrored(ChannelIF channel, Exception e)
          Invoked by Poller when poller of the channel failed.
(package private) static boolean PollerWorkerThread.channelHasChanged(ChannelIF o, ChannelIF n)
          Checks if channel has changed.
(package private)  void PollerWorkerThread.checkItems(ChannelIF newChannel, ChannelRecord record)
          Walks through the items and checks if new items present.
 InputStream InputStreamProviderIF.getInputStreamFor(ChannelIF channel, String activity)
          Return InputStream to be used for reading given channel.
 void PollerObserverIF.itemFound(ItemIF item, ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by Poller when new item is approved for addition.
 void PersistenceObserver.itemFound(ItemIF item, ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by Poller when new item is approved for addition.
 void CompositeObserver.itemFound(ItemIF item, ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by Poller when new item is approved for addition.
 void PollerObserverIF.pollFinished(ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by Poller when checking of the channel finished successfully.
 void PersistenceObserver.pollFinished(ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by Poller when checking of the channel finished.
 void CompositeObserver.pollFinished(ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by Poller when checking of the channel finished.
 void PollerObserverIF.pollStarted(ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by Poller when checking of the channel started.
 void PersistenceObserver.pollStarted(ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by Poller when checking of the channel started.
 void CompositeObserver.pollStarted(ChannelIF channel)
          Invoked by Poller when checking of the channel started.
 void Poller.registerChannel(ChannelIF channel)
          Register new channel for background poller.
 void Poller.registerChannel(ChannelIF channel, long period)
          Register new channel for background poller with custom period.
 void Poller.registerChannel(ChannelIF channel, long delay, long period)
          Register new channel for background poller with custom period.
 void Poller.unregisterChannel(ChannelIF channel)
          Unregister the channel from background poller.
 void Poller.updateChannel(ChannelIF channel)
          Performs immediate update of the channel and reworks the schedule starting from current time.

Uses of ChannelIF in de.nava.informa.utils.toolkit

Methods in de.nava.informa.utils.toolkit that return ChannelIF
 ChannelIF ChannelRecord.getChannel()
          Returns channel object.

Methods in de.nava.informa.utils.toolkit with parameters of type ChannelIF
 void Scheduler.rescheduleChannel(ChannelIF channel, long period)
          Reschedules single channel.
 void Scheduler.schedule(ChannelIF channel, long period, int priority)
          Schedule single channel for poller.
 void Scheduler.schedule(ChannelIF channel, long delay, long period, int priority)
          Schedule single channel for poller.
 void Scheduler.triggerNow(ChannelIF channel)
          Triggers channel event immediately (if it is registered) and reschedules consequent events.
 void Scheduler.unschedule(ChannelIF channel)
          Stop poller the channel.

Constructors in de.nava.informa.utils.toolkit with parameters of type ChannelIF
ChannelRecord(ChannelIF channel, long period, int priority)
          Creates channel record.

Copyright © 2002-2007 Niko Schmuck. All Rights Reserved.