Interface Summary | |
CategoryIF | This interface is implemented by objects representing categories in which channels could be organised in the news channel object model. |
ChannelBuilderIF | This interface allows the channel generators (like a parser) to create the channel object model independent from which implementation is used (in-memory or persistent store). |
ChannelExporterIF | A channel exporter is used to write channel objects in an implementation dependent way to an implicit destination. |
ChannelGroupIF | Interface to allow to implement a container of channels that may be used by a channel registry (through a front-end) or as the entry point for an application using this library. |
ChannelIF | This interface is implemented by objects representing channels in the news channel object model. |
ChannelObservableIF | Classes implementing this interface may want to inform the subscribed observers that a specific channel event has happend (like for example a new item was found). |
ChannelObserverIF | A class implementing this interface most likely wants to react on the observed event. |
ChannelParserIF | Interface for a parser which reads in document instances according to some specific channel format specification and generates a news channel object. |
ChannelSubscriptionIF | Implementing classes hold information about wether a channel should be updated or not, when the channel was last time updated (retrieved) and in which interval subsequent updated should be executed. |
CloudIF | This interface is implemented by Cloud objects supporting RSS 0.92 and RSS 2.0 Publish and Subscribe. |
FeedIF | This interface is implemented by objects representing feeds (containing metadata about channels, like for example OCS and OPML) in the news channel object model. |
IdGeneratorIF | Interface that allows to implement different identifier generation strategies. |
ImageIF | This interface is implemented by objects representing an image assigned to a channel in the news channel object model. |
ItemEnclosureIF | This interface is implemented by objects representing an enclosure. |
ItemGuidIF | This interface is implemented by objects representing the GUID of a news item. |
ItemIF | This interface is implemented by objects representing items (that are links to articles) in the news channel object model. |
ItemMetadataIF | Implementing class holds information about the belonging news item. |
ItemSourceIF | This interface is implemented by objects representing the source of a news item. |
TextInputIF | This interface is implemented by objects representing an text input field assigned to a channel in the news channel object model. |
UserIF | This interface is implemented by objects storing user specific information. |
WithCategoriesMIF | Meta-, or markerinterface, specifying objects, having categories collection behind. |
WithChannelMIF | Meta-, or markerinterface, specifying objects, having channel. |
WithChildrenMIF<C> | Meta-, or markerinterface, specifying objects, having children. |
WithCreatorMIF | Meta-, or markerinterface, specifying objects, having creator. |
WithDescriptionMIF | Meta-, or markerinterface, specifying objects, having description. |
WithElementsAndAttributesMIF | Meta-, or markerinterface, specifying objects, having nested elements & attributes. |
WithIdMIF | Meta-, or markerinterface, specifying objects, having id. |
WithLinkMIF | Meta-, or markerinterface, specifying objects, having link. |
WithLocationMIF | Meta-, or markerinterface, specifying objects, having location. |
WithNameMIF | Meta-, or markerinterface, specifying objects, having name. |
WithSiteMIF | Meta-, or markerinterface, specifying objects, having site url, description text and copyright information. |
WithTitleMIF | Meta-, or markerinterface, specifying objects, having title. |
WithUnreadMIF | Meta-, or markerinterface, specifying objects, having Unread. |
Enum Summary | |
ChannelFormat | Enums to describe which syntax is used by a channel description. |
ChannelUpdatePeriod |
Exception Summary | |
ChannelBuilderException | Indicates that a channel builder encountered an unexpected condition. |
ParseException | Exception which is thrown if a syntax problem is encountered while a document instance (like a channel description) is read in. |
UnsupportedFormatException | An exception thrown when no appropiate parser is available for a specific document instance. |
This package contains interfaces for the news channel objects, it builds the core API for all news channel storage implementation. This separation enables applications to be written without any dependencies on storage-specific backends.
To make it clear again, this package contains no implementations of the declared interfaces. All implementations can be found in separate packages with the de.nava.informa.impl prefix. In addition to interfaces there are also exceptions defined by this package that are raised when violations of the news channel model occur.